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(mainly for Asheron's Call and is very old)



 AC Tool Major Developing News - 7/4/2019

Well, after a long time and a lot of work. And R/L stuff getting in the way. The forums is back up and running. It is using the newest version of the forum software. And as such, we may still have a few glitches to work out. So please bare with us as we take care of any possible glitches.

Thank You for visiting,

Michael Hagin
aka The WABBIT



 AC Tool Major Developing News - 5/30/2019

The forums is currently down do to issues with the Web Host. Mysticdrew and myself are working of getting this taken care of as quickly as we can.

Sorry for any convenience this may cause.

Thank You for visiting,

Michael Hagin
aka The WABBIT



 AC Tool Major Developing News - 2/06/2017

Well, my domain name host had decided to quit doing the Domain Hosting. And they failed to send out email notifications about this. (i.e. They just up and completely disappered.) And I am unable to do a forward of the domain to the current one.

That is why the site and forums has been inaccessable.

But, do to the generostity of one of our members Mysticdrew. The website and forums has found a permanent host and a new permanent address.

I would personally like to thank Mysticdrew for his doing this.

So, the new url to the website and forums are as follows.

I am very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused many of you.

The new url is:


Thank You for visiting,

Michael Hagin
aka The WABBIT



 AC Tool Major Developing News - 2/06/2017
Due to many issues with my Website host, i decided to move the website to another host. Everything moved without any problems. But, for some reason the new host did not like the original Domain Name I was using.

So, the new url to the forums only has one (1) character difference between it and the old. But, you will need to update your bookmarks and links again.

I am very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused many of you.

The new url is:


Thank You for visiting,

Michael Hagin
aka The WABBIT


 AC Tool Major Developing News - 11/30/2016
This is to announce that Cameron Cole, the original Developer of AC Tool, has had a RL event that has forced him to end his involvement with AC Tool completely. Subsequently, this means that the the AC Tool website and support forums at www.actool.net and forums.actool.net will be brought down soon. And the "torch" has been completely past onto me. At this time the original forums are still accessable for viewing only at forums.cameroncole.com.
   With this major change, I have had to setup a new AC Tool forums here. I had been able to import everything from the original AC Tool forums to here. Even with that, there may still be some problems with peoples accounts. If for some reason you can not login to you account try using the link to reset the password. If that does not work then email me at the forums@actool.cu.cc

  The moving of the forums is still a work in progress. I do not have everything setup the way Cam did. And I am awaiting for Invision to get back to me about the transfer of the Forums License. Until then, please bare with me as I try to get things back to the way they were. While doing it on another hosting site.

   For those of you that came here by way of the forum link at www.actool.net. (Or was redirected here when attempting to visit www.actool.net or forums.actool.net.) Please bookmark this in your favorite browser for the future.

For all those visiting here, I want to thank you on behalf of Cam for your support in the development of AC Tool over the years. And I hope that you will continue your support of AC Tool in its future Development. And let us all give our best well wishes to Cam and his wife for their future.

Thank You for visiting,

Michael Hagin
aka The WABBIT


 AC Tool 5.4.0 Release - 7/12/2006
Please use the links below to download either the AC Tool Release for running macros or the AC Tool Source. Delphi 7 is required to use the AC Tool Source and the AC Tool Source is not needed to run macros.

Download AC Tool 5.4.0

Download the AC Tool Source 5.4.0 (not needed for running AC Tool)

Changes in the 5.4.x Release:
 5.4.0 - 07/12/2006
- This is the IPA Alpha 8 release recompiled which is an update to get
  Decal working with AC Tool
- Two new variables created {MMFName} and {MMFSize} which contains the
  name and size of the AC Tool Memory Mapped File
- New Asheron's Call command called UstSalvage which salvages the UST